Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Money in the bank

Your credit (FICO) score is made up of timely payments (35%), what you owe versus your credit limits (30%), length of your credit history (15%), new credit/debt (10%), and what your mix of credit types are (10%).

800 is best score, and you need at least a 740 to get the best rates (mortgages, loans, credit card APR).

Jobless rate is now 9.4% (about 2.2 for insurance), and there seem to be hints that recession is ending.

The problem, however, seems to be that we could be in a stagnant economy for some time to come (consumers who account for 70% of our economic growth are still very wary about spending).

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct


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