Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Money in the bank

According to Fortune magazine, more than 4000 Executive Directors and Analysts picked the companies they most admired.

The only one that had an insurance component was Berkshire Hathaway (#3).

The article goes onto say that “trust” is a key ingredient here (i.e. you can’t go dark on people, especially in times of crisis).

Implicitly, I gather this suggests that our insurance sector has gone dark.

Those most admired apparently invest in people and keep them employed, even in a downturn.

On another note, 5% of the unemployed have a bachelors degree or higher, 10.5% a HS diploma, 15.6% no HS diploma.

Advance degree holders earn triple what HS grads make.

Bachelors degree holders earn 2.4 times more than HS grads.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Harvey - thank you for the profound insight!

Lindalee Green