Thursday, March 11, 2010

Money in the bank

Need more room at home because kids have moved back in, or parent are on the doorstep?

Consider building out your attic! ($25-$100/Ft).

Money Magazine says that you will currently recoup 83% of your investment, versus lower returns for master bedroom add-ons, sun rooms, etc.

On another subject...

When it comes to tacking money oriented tasks, we apparently reach our peak performance to do so at age 53.3 (downhill from there).

I’m in trouble! J

Finally... less than 60% of us who have company 401K plans are contributing to them.

This is free money that you are losing by not receiving your employers matching dollars.

Event at a 3% match, thousands of dollars are being tossed away each year.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct

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