Monday, July 26, 2010

Money in the bank

Is something wrong with this picture?...

Our service sector represents about 70% of our economy (insurance is obviously a part of that), while manufacturing is just 11%.

But... supposedly it’s innovation / productivity that determines whether a country will be successful in manufacturing (not cheap labor).

So – we rank 4th amongst the most competitive nations in manufacturing despite our labor costs.

How come our manufacturing sector is so depressed?

If you bought/held a balanced stock/bond mix in year 2000, you would have had an annual gain of 4.3% through 2009.

If you were all cash, it would have been 2.6%.

A professional money manager who could bet on or against stocks during that same period, returned no more than cash did for that same period.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct

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