Best Cities for jobs - - I think that
Scot Dickerson, CPC
Capstone Search Group
Best Cities for jobs - - I think that
Scot Dickerson, CPC
Capstone Search Group
According to a recent poll, 73% of U.S. workers are disengaged (doing the bare minimum required), and 80% want more freedom.
The same apparently can be said of their leaders.
I wonder if this is a new anomaly... as it was not very long ago that I read many articles that said our workers were the most productive in the world.
How did we become so productive if we are so disengaged?
Are the other 27% of the workers propping up the rest?
Harvey Dorland
Take a peek at this. Interesting stuff and was given to me by a client this morning.
27.3% of all external hires come from referrals, 12.3% from job boards, 20.1% from specific company websites, 7.8% from direct sourcing, and all other sources made up the 32.5% difference.
So... recruiters are probably a part of the job board percentage, and I would guess the “other sources” percentage as well, perhaps even the referral percentage as we, I’m sure you’re aware, thrive on referrals.
As such, please let your friends know that you are looking.
Yes... some of those referrals will beckon you directly to your new position, but others will circle our way, and the end-result becomes the same: “new position / career / $’s”.
Harvey Dorland
Check out for good tips about mergers and acquisitions and other published articles.
Scot Dickerson, CPC
Those on the agency side of the insurance business may want to take a look at an interesting article in Rough Notes May 2009 edition on page 26 titled: “Implementing Non-Compete Clauses.”
Scot Dickerson
If you get laid off between 9/08 and 12/09 there is a good chance the government will subsidize your heath (Cobra) insurance costs for 65% of the normal charge, for up to 9 months, if you don’t piggy-back on your spouses coverage and, as a family, make less than $250k adjusted gross income ($125k for an individual).
Kaiser Foundation estimates an average savings of $6200 over 9 months.
On another note... Watson Wyatt Consultants says most employer cost-cutting actions have peaked, and that most are planning no further hiring freezes, restructuring changes, layoffs or salary freezes.
No particular industries were mentioned, so I’m assuming the best for ours!
Harvey Dorland