Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Money in the bank

Instead of limiting your spending so you can save what is left, it’s suggested that you decide first what you’ll save, and then learn to live on the rest.

Here are some tips on how to live on the rest.

1. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses.

2. Pay cash. Shopping with plastic profoundly affects your spending by as much as 50% by some estimates.

3. Trading an SUV for a hybrid can save you as much as $2,400 /year.

4. Stock up / buy in bulk when there are sales.

5. Eat more frequently at home.

6. Raise the deductibles on your insurance policies.

7. Save up to $800 / year by checking your tires inflation every month and by maintaining steadier and a little slower speeds.

Harvey Dorland

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