Right or wrong. Good or bad. Social media has changed our
lives in many ways. It has become a headache and challenge for parents. It has
created more opportunity for kids to make mistakes. And unfortunately these
mistakes are not like the mistakes people my age made that were largely simply
forgotten and never seen again. The mistakes made within the internet &
social media world live on forever, only to potentially come back and haunt our
kids later in life. The challenge: getting them to understand this.
A similar challenge exists in today's job market with job
seekers. We talk about it frequently. At our recruiting firm it has become
standard procedure to discuss no different than discussing proper interview
attire, non-verbal communication during the interviewing, being prepared, etc,
etc. Social media has crept into the hiring decision making process everywhere.
According to a recent Careerbuilder survey more than two in five (43
percent) hiring managers who currently research candidates via social media
said they have found information that has caused them not to hire a candidate,
up 9 percentage points from last year. Given the recent release of this survey
it seems a good time to again hit this point home. You simply have to be
careful about what you put out into social media because it will be seen. Oh
yes, it will be seen. Which could prevent you from landing your dream
job. Or any job. This cannot be stressed enough. Adults and kids alike. Think,
think, think before you post for the world to see.
Here is the article regarding the Careerbuilder
survey: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100844354
Scot Dickerson, CPC
Capstone Search