Monday, April 26, 2010

Money in the bank

A recent survey of 130 insurance entities across the country shows:

· 74% have current openings

· Only 20 don’t plan on adding to staff this year

· 21 said they’ll add more than 500

· Top hiring positions are sales, claims, underwriting, call center, and IT

· Most felt finding qualified/quality candidates is still difficult

On another note... our personal savings rate has quadrupled since 2008 to 4.5%, and we apparently hope to increase that to 15% (can’t be done, but a strong sign of how insecure most of us are feeling).

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting


A recent survey of 130 insurance entities across the country shows:

· 74% have current openings

· Only 20 don’t plan on adding to staff this year

· 21 said they’ll add more than 500

· Top hiring positions are sales, claims, underwriting, call center, and IT

· Most felt finding qualified/quality candidates is still difficult

On another note... our personal savings rate has quadrupled since 2008 to 4.5%, and we apparently hope to increase that to 15% (can’t be done, but a strong sign of how insecure most of us are feeling).

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Money in the bank

According to Fortune magazine, more than 4000 Executive Directors and Analysts picked the companies they most admired.

The only one that had an insurance component was Berkshire Hathaway (#3).

The article goes onto say that “trust” is a key ingredient here (i.e. you can’t go dark on people, especially in times of crisis).

Implicitly, I gather this suggests that our insurance sector has gone dark.

Those most admired apparently invest in people and keep them employed, even in a downturn.

On another note, 5% of the unemployed have a bachelors degree or higher, 10.5% a HS diploma, 15.6% no HS diploma.

Advance degree holders earn triple what HS grads make.

Bachelors degree holders earn 2.4 times more than HS grads.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Money in the bank

1227 CEO’s left their jobs in 2009.

I guess the view from the top is not as lofty as many people think!

There are 4 million unfilled skilled jobs in Europe currently...

I wonder if our skilled unemployed workers could get VISA’s to work over there?

As the economy recovers, the number of temporary jobs could triple this year from a current 13% of employees to 39%.

Expenses for S&P 500 Index funds range from .1 percent of assets to 2 percent (sold through financial advisors).

Strange, in that similar index funds tend to basically own the same basket of stocks!

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting