Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Money in the bank

Kind of interesting...

If we converted our 6.5 million heavy trucks that run on diesel fuel to natural gas, we could reduce our dependency on imported oil by 50% in seven years.

Only 45% of Americans are satisfied with their jobs – the lowest level in 22 years, with the most dissatisfaction coming from our youngest workers.

Unfortunately, I guess, for most recruiters, the majority of our searches are for the more experienced (and by assumption from the above), who are less dissatisfied. L

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct

Friday, January 15, 2010

Money in the bank

A glimmer of hope!

After a long period of industry job declines, an additional 2700 jobs were added in December.

So... for the most recent 12 months, insurance jobs have declined 47000 (2%), but the downslide trend may be over.

Most of the industry segments, while seeing declines, did see increases the past year in average weekly earnings.

For all industries, the hardest hit segments for entry-level hiring this past year (all down over 30%) were hospitality, technology, transportation, investment banking, and telecommunications.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct

Money in the bank

A glimmer of hope!

After a long period of industry job declines, an additional 2700 jobs were added in December.

So... for the most recent 12 months, insurance jobs have declined 47000 (2%), but the downslide trend may be over.

Most of the industry segments, while seeing declines, did see increases the past year in average weekly earnings.

For all industries, the hardest hit segments for entry-level hiring this past year (all down over 30%) were hospitality, technology, transportation, investment banking, and telecommunications.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Money in the bank

Happy 2010 everyone!

I do believe that we’ve weathered a number of storms over the past year, and while we may have felt some (or all) of them, this year will be better (but not majorly so in our industry).

Yes... I’m already sensing a stronger pulse over the past two months, but with pricing looking like it’s going to remain soft / or flat at best (too much capacity still out there), I don’t believe we’re going to see a large resurgence in hiring.

But, there will be more... particularly, I believe, on the carrier and wholesale side, and (as always) retail broker producers that have a customer following!

Harvey Dorland