Thursday, November 19, 2009

Money in the bank

The industry lost another 6900 jobs in August and other than health insurers every other segment is down in employment numbers for the past 12 months (-2.9%).

Wages, however, have been up the past 12 months in every category except TPA’s.

Watson Wyatt says that more than half the companies they surveyed that had previously froze salaries now plan within 6 months to unfreeze them.

High performing workers are more at risk of walking out the door during recessions. (Forward-looking companies are always ready to upgrade their business by hiring them).

By 2015 there will be more people working electronically from home full time than taking mass-transit.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct

Friday, November 13, 2009


If someone gave you $10,000 – 43% of people say they would pay down debt, 25% save it, 25% invest it, 7% spend it.

Noticed a list of the best / top jobs recently (Systems Engineer #1).

Criteria was multi-faceted including decent pay, good demand, enjoyable, and not a lot of pressure.

Was surprised insurance recruiter wasn’t in the top 50! (No insurance positions were).

The Mortgage Bankers Association predicts fixed rate mortgages of 5.9% by the end of 2010, and 6.3% at the end of 2011. (So, with rates at or under 5% now, be watchful if you have a loan coming due).

Don’t expect workers loyalty to outlast the recession.

Watson Wyatt says 25% of you have become disengaged (disgruntled), and says 79% of job holders have stepped up their search for a new place to work.

So... there will be a lot of people making moves as more positions materialize.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Career choices, defining who you are.

Interesting article, “Just Say No”

Scot Dickerson, CPC


Capstone Search Group

Phone: (515)-987-0242 Ext. 18


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Money in the bank

More and more candidates are telling me:

· They send resumes in response to job board postings and never hear a word.

· They interview two or three times for a position and then never hear a word.

Companies seem to forget that their reputation is only as good as the way they treat people.

Candidates should be treated as you would treat your best customer.

Trust me... the ones I hear about being rude the most frequently, are the ones that I put near the top of my recruiting list.

I believe I rightfully assume that if they are treating a #1 resource (candidates) with disdain, that’s also the way they are treating their own employees!

Most of the time, I’m right.

Harvey Dorland

Pacific Recruiting

936-597-6500 - direct